Trellis Connect API v1.2.0
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Streamline insurance quotes by fetching information from existing insurers / institutions
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There are two ways to authenticate with the Trellis API endpoints:
- SecretKeyAuth: To be used from private backend servers ONLY. Pass the X-API-Client-Id and X-API-Secret-Key in the headers for authentication.
- TemporaryAccessKeyAuthForConnectionId: To be used from client pages. Pass the X-API-Client-Id and X-API-Temporary-Access-Key in the headers for authentication. Note that temporary access keys are valid only for a limited time and are intended to be used by the client's browser in the workflow after creating a connection. You can get the temporaryAccessKey from the onSuccess handler from the Trellis Widget SDK.
The basic flow of a Trellis integration is as follows
- Get your Client ID and Secret Key from your point of contact at Trellis.
- Get a Trellis Connection ID from the Trellis Widget (passed in the onSuccess callback).
- Retrieve policy information with the GET /policies endpoint documented below in /connection.
Previous API Versions
Version Changelog
- New Improved polling experience for /account/{connectionId}/policies while waiting for policies to be available.
- Removed `/account/{connectionId}` endpoint in favor of new polling method.
- Initial production API.
Base URLs:
Email: Support License: Apache 2.0
API Key (ClientIdKeyAuth)
- Parameter Name: X-API-Client-Id, in: header.
API Key (SecretKeyAuth)
- Parameter Name: X-API-Secret-Key, in: header.
API Key (TemporaryAccessKeyAuthForConnectionId)
- Parameter Name: X-API-Temporary-Access-Key, in: header.
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{connectionId}/policies \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-API-Client-Id: API_KEY' \
-H 'X-API-Secret-Key: API_KEY'
GET{connectionId}/policies HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
const headers = {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
headers = {
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'X-API-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY',
'X-API-Secret-Key' => 'API_KEY'
result = RestClient.get '{connectionId}/policies',
params: {
}, headers: headers
p JSON.parse(result)
import requests
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-API-Client-Id': 'API_KEY',
'X-API-Secret-Key': 'API_KEY'
r = requests.get('{connectionId}/policies', headers = headers)
'X-API-Client-Id' => 'API_KEY',
'X-API-Secret-Key' => 'API_KEY',
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
// Define array of request body.
$request_body = array();
try {
$response = $client->request('GET','{connectionId}/policies', array(
'headers' => $headers,
'json' => $request_body,
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
// handle exception or api errors.
// ...
URL obj = new URL("{connectionId}/policies");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
package main
import (
func main() {
headers := map[string][]string{
"Accept": []string{"application/json"},
"X-API-Client-Id": []string{"API_KEY"},
"X-API-Secret-Key": []string{"API_KEY"},
data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{connectionId}/policies", data)
req.Header = headers
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
// ...
GET /account/{connectionId}/policies
Return insurance policies associated with this connection.
Requires the X-API-Client-Id and either the X-API-Secret-Key header OR the X-Temporary-Access-Key header.
This endpoint should be called by your application server if you are using your API Secret Key for authentication because that is not safe to share with users' web browsers.
NOTE: This endpoint should be polled and may take up to 5 minutes to return policy information. Most policies will be returned much sooner.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
connectionId | path | string | true | Connection ID from POST /account |
X-API-USE-CASE | header | string | false | Use this field to denote a use case. FUTURE_POLICY will include future policies in addition to existing ones, if available. |
Enumerated Values
Parameter | Value |
Example responses
200 Response
"status": "READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
"policies": [
"id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",
"issuer": "geico",
"policyNumber": "5232-11-255-22",
"policyType": "PERSONAL_AUTO",
"policyHolder": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John,",
"middleName": "K,",
"lastName": "Smith"
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"phoneNumber": "(123) 456-2233",
"email": "",
"isHomeOwner": true,
"isMilitary": true,
"residenceStatus": "OwnSingleFamily",
"tenureInYears": 2
"policyTermMonths": 6,
"paymentScheduleMonths": 1,
"numberOfPayments": 6,
"issueDate": "2019-01-01",
"renewalDate": "2019-07-01",
"effectiveDate": "2019-01-01",
"expirationDate": "2019-07-01",
"active": true,
"hasAtFaultAccident": "yes",
"hasAtFaultClaim": "yes",
"canceledDate": "2019-04-01",
"dateRetrieved": "2019-02-01",
"premiumCents": 94200,
"operators": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"maritalStatus": "married",
"occupation": "Electrical Engineer (Degreed)",
"education": "associates",
"rawEducation": "Bachelor's Degree",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"rawRelationship": "Married",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"ageLicensed": 16,
"ageLicensedInternationally": 16,
"isPrimary": true,
"driversLicenseState": "MA",
"driversLicenseStatus": "ValidUSLicense",
"driversLicenseNumber": "S22229999",
"hasFullDriversLicenseNumber": true,
"email": "",
"experienceInYears": 8,
"addressRaw": "123 Main St San Francisco CA 94129",
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"financialResponsibilityCases": [
"type": "SR-21",
"state": "CA",
"caseNumber": 331476039
"vehicles": [
"year": 2015,
"inStorage": true,
"isRideSharing": true,
"vin": "WBA2F7C55FVX55555",
"make": "BMW",
"model": "228XI 2D 4X4",
"type": null,
"annualMileage": 5000,
"driver": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"use": "commute",
"garagingLocationRaw": "123 Main St San Francisco CA 94129",
"garagingLocation": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"discountTotalCents": 5000,
"purchaseDate": "1999-04-12",
"antiTheftDevices": true,
"bodyStyle": "4 Door Sedan",
"ownershipStatus": "owned",
"lienHolder": "TD Auto Finance",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "123 Main Street New York NY 10011",
"premiumCents": 12344,
"coverages": [
"name": "Bodily Injury Liability",
"premiumCents": 7400,
"isDeclined": false,
"perPersonLimitCents": 20000,
"perAccidentLimitCents": 40000,
"deductibleCents": 1000,
"glassDeductibleCents": 500,
"perDayLimitCents": 40000,
"perMonthLimitCents": 45000,
"perWeekLimitCents": 11500
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"documents": [
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
"incidents": [
"id": "291e57c2-48ab-4b72-ad4e-b5284d78c32e_0",
"driverNameRaw": "Jane Doe",
"driver": 0,
"descriptionRaw": null,
"date": "2019-01-01",
"state": "CA",
"atFault": "yes",
"paidAmountCents": 229670,
"liabilityMedicalPaidAmountCents": 10201,
"type": "CLAIM",
"typeDetails": "Hit an animal"
"id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0852",
"issuer": "allstate",
"policyNumber": "5232-11-255-22",
"policyType": "HOMEOWNERS",
"policyHolder": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John,",
"middleName": "K,",
"lastName": "Smith"
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"phoneNumber": "(123) 456-2233",
"email": "",
"isHomeOwner": true,
"isMilitary": true,
"residenceStatus": "OwnSingleFamily",
"tenureInYears": 2
"policyTermMonths": 12,
"paymentScheduleMonths": 1,
"numberOfPayments": 12,
"issueDate": "2019-01-01",
"renewalDate": "2019-07-01",
"effectiveDate": "2019-01-01",
"expirationDate": "2019-07-01",
"active": true,
"canceledDate": "2019-04-01",
"dateRetrieved": "2019-02-01",
"premiumCents": 94200,
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"property": {
"purchaseDate": "1990-10-12",
"squareFeet": 2300,
"usage": "Primary Home",
"numberOfStories": 2,
"dwellingType": "Single Family Home",
"yearBuilt": 1980,
"constructionType": "Frame",
"foundationType": "Slab",
"composition": [
"type": "Roof",
"shape": "Flat",
"descriptionRaw": "string",
"materials": [
"percentage": 75
"numberOfKitchens": 1,
"numberOfBathrooms": 3,
"numberOfFireplaces": 1,
"garages": [
"type": "Attached",
"capacity": 2
"distanceToFireHydrantInFeet": 100,
"distanceToFireDepartmentInMiles": 2,
"features": {
"hasBurglarAlarm": true,
"hasFireAlarm": true,
"hasSupplementalHeating": false
"addressRaw": "string",
"ageOfRoofInYears": 4,
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"coverages": [
"name": "Personal Property",
"rawName": "Personal Property",
"perOccurrenceLimitCents": 10000000,
"perPersonLimitCents": 50000000,
"maxMonthsLimit": 6,
"premiumCents": 50000,
"isDeclined": false,
"deductibleCents": 50000,
"hurricaneDeductibleCents": 50000,
"windstormDeductibleCents": 50000,
"earthquakeDeductibleCents": 50000
"householdMembers": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"occupation": "Engineer"
"mortgages": [
"type": "First Mortgage",
"loanNumber": "000-393323-33",
"lienHolder": "Quicken Loans",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "string"
"documents": [
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
202 Response
"status": "NOT_READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
401 Response
403 Response
"insufficient access to retrieve policies for requested account"
404 Response
"status": "READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
"message": "NO_POLICIES_FOUND",
"error": {
"errorType": "NO_POLICIES_FOUND"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | Returned policy information for the specified connection. | SuccessfulResponse |
202 | Accepted | Policies are still being retrieved for this connection. | AcceptedResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | API key is missing or invalid | string |
403 | Forbidden | Missing required permission to access policies for this connection. | string |
404 | Not Found | No policies found for connection. | NotFoundResponse |
Response Headers
Status | Header | Type | Format | Description |
401 | X-API-Client-Id | string | none | |
401 | X-API-Secret-Key | string | none | |
401 | X-API-Temporary-Access-Key | string | none |
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
number | string | false | none | none |
street | string | false | none | none |
type | string | false | none | none |
sec_unit_type | string | false | none | none |
sec_unit_num | string | false | none | none |
city | string | false | none | none |
state | string | false | none | none |
zip | string | false | none | none |
plus4 | string | false | none | none |
suffix | string | false | none | none |
prefix | string | false | none | none |
"name": "Bodily Injury Liability",
"premiumCents": 7400,
"isDeclined": false,
"perPersonLimitCents": 20000,
"perAccidentLimitCents": 40000,
"deductibleCents": 1000,
"glassDeductibleCents": 500,
"perDayLimitCents": 40000,
"perMonthLimitCents": 45000,
"perWeekLimitCents": 11500
Represents a single type of coverage on a policy. A missing/declined coverage may show up in this list as declined ("isDeclined = true") or it may be omitted entirely. When a coverage amount is listed as UNLIMITED, a value of 999999999999999
($9,999,999,999,999.99) will be sent instead.
Here is a mapping of coverage type to which amounts may appear on an instance of that coverage type:
Accidental Death and Dismemberment: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'perPersonLimitCents']
Additional Personal Injury Protection: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Bodily Injury Liability: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Car Rental & Travel Expenses: ['perDayLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Collision Deductible Waiver: []
Collision: ['deductibleCents']
Comprehensive Glass: ['deductibleCents']
Comprehensive: ['deductibleCents', 'glassDeductibleCents']
Custom Parts and Equipment: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Disability: []
Emergency Road Service: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Extended Medical Benefits: []
Extended Medical Expense: ['perPersonLimitCents']
Full Vehicle Replacement: []
Funeral Benefits: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'perPersonLimitCents']
Guest Personal Injury Protection: []
Law Enforcement Fee: []
Limited Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Loan/Lease Payoff: []
Mechanical Breakdown: ['deductibleCents']
Medical Payments: ['perPersonLimitCents']
Necessary Expenses: ['perDayLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Optional Basic Economic Loss: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Optional Bodily Injury to Others: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Permissive User: []
Personal Belongings: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents']
Personal Injury Protection: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'deductibleCents']
Property Damage Liability: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Property Protection Insurance: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Rideshare Gap: []
Road Trip Accident Accomodations: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Supplemental Spousal Liability: []
Supplementary Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Underinsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents']
Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents']
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents']
Uninsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents']
Vanishing Deductible: ['deductibleCents']
Vehicle Liability: ['perAccidentLimitCents']
Work Loss Benefit: ['perMonthLimitCents', 'perWeekLimitCents']
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | string | false | none | See Enumerated Values below |
premiumCents | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
isDeclined | boolean | false | none | May be null |
perPersonLimitCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
perAccidentLimitCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
deductibleCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
glassDeductibleCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
perDayLimitCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
perMonthLimitCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
perWeekLimitCents | integer(int32) | false | none | See coverage mapping above for which coverage types this appears on |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
name | Accidental Death and Dismemberment |
name | Additional Personal Injury Protection |
name | Bodily Injury Liability |
name | Car Rental & Travel Expenses |
name | Collision |
name | Collision Deductible Waiver |
name | Comprehensive |
name | Comprehensive Glass |
name | Custom Parts and Equipment |
name | Disability |
name | Emergency Road Service |
name | Extended Medical Benefits |
name | Extended Medical Expense |
name | Full Vehicle Replacement |
name | Funeral Benefits |
name | Guest Personal Injury Protection |
name | Law Enforcement Fee |
name | Limited Property Damage |
name | Loan/Lease Payoff |
name | Mechanical Breakdown |
name | Medical Payments |
name | Necessary Expenses |
name | Optional Basic Economic Loss |
name | Optional Bodily Injury to Others |
name | Permissive User |
name | Personal Belongings |
name | Personal Injury Protection |
name | Property Damage Liability |
name | Property Protection Insurance |
name | Rideshare Gap |
name | Road Trip Accident Accomodations |
name | Supplemental Spousal Liability |
name | Supplementary Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist |
name | Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury |
name | Underinsured Motorist Property Damage |
name | Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury |
name | Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Property Damage |
name | Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury |
name | Uninsured Motorist Property Damage |
name | Vanishing Deductible |
name | Vehicle Liability |
name | Work Loss Benefit |
"name": "Personal Property",
"rawName": "Personal Property",
"perOccurrenceLimitCents": 10000000,
"perPersonLimitCents": 50000000,
"maxMonthsLimit": 6,
"premiumCents": 50000,
"isDeclined": false,
"deductibleCents": 50000,
"hurricaneDeductibleCents": 50000,
"windstormDeductibleCents": 50000,
"earthquakeDeductibleCents": 50000
Coverages applied to a HOMEOWNERS or RENTERS policy
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | string | false | none | The name of the coverage |
rawName | string | false | none | The raw name of the coverage |
perOccurrenceLimitCents | number | false | none | The limit for each occurrence represented in cents |
perPersonLimitCents | number | false | none | The limit for each person represented in cents |
maxMonthsLimit | number¦null | false | none | Maximum amount of months covered |
premiumCents | number | false | none | The coverage's premium that is paid by the policy holder |
isDeclined | boolean | false | none | Denotes if the coverage was declined |
deductibleCents | number | false | none | The deductible of the coverage |
hurricaneDeductibleCents | number | false | none | The deductible of a hurricane coverage |
windstormDeductibleCents | number | false | none | The deductible of a windstorm coverage |
earthquakeDeductibleCents | number | false | none | The deductible of a earthquake coverage |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
name | Actual Cash Value Loss Settlement |
name | Additional Insured Liability |
name | Appraisal Endorsement |
name | Arson Reward |
name | Building Additions and Alterations |
name | Building Structure Reimbursement |
name | Business Property Not On Residence Premises |
name | Business Property On Residence Premises |
name | Damage to Property of Others |
name | Dangerous Or Exotic Animal Liability |
name | Debris Removal |
name | Dwelling |
name | Dwelling - Extended Premises |
name | Dwelling - Extended Replacement Cost |
name | Dwelling - Mine Subsidence |
name | Earthquake |
name | Earthquake Loss Assessment |
name | Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption |
name | Electronic Apparatus In Vehicle |
name | Emergency First Aid |
name | Emergency Removal of Property |
name | Fence Replacement Cost |
name | Fire Department Service Charge |
name | Foundation Water Damage |
name | Fuel Release |
name | Garage - Detached without Living Quarters |
name | Glass Breakage |
name | Inflation Protection |
name | Insolvent Insurance Protection |
name | Land Stabilization |
name | Landlord Furnishings |
name | Leakage |
name | Limited Fungi, Other Microbes or Rot Remediation |
name | Locks |
name | Loss Assessment |
name | Loss of Use |
name | Marring to Certain Metal Materials |
name | Matching Siding And Roof Materials |
name | Medical Payments to Others |
name | Medical Payments to Others - Family Medical Protection |
name | Medical Payments to Others - Guests/Others Medical protection |
name | Medical Payments to Others - Limited Fungi, Other Microbes or Rot Remediation |
name | Mortgage Extra Expense Coverage |
name | Ordinance or Law |
name | Other Structures |
name | Other Unscheduled Structures |
name | Personal Liability |
name | Personal Liability - Family Liability |
name | Personal Liability - Identity Fraud Expenses |
name | Personal Liability - Limited Fungi, Other Microbes or Rot Remediation |
name | Personal Liability - Personal Injury |
name | Personal Property |
name | Personal Property - Building Addition and Alteration |
name | Personal Property - Cameras |
name | Personal Property - Collectibles |
name | Personal Property - Comic Books |
name | Personal Property - Computers |
name | Personal Property - Credit Card, Fund Transfer Card, Forgery |
name | Personal Property - Documents |
name | Personal Property - Electronic Apparatus |
name | Personal Property - Extended Replacement Cost |
name | Personal Property - Firearms |
name | Personal Property - Full Value |
name | Personal Property - Fungus, Mold |
name | Personal Property - Furs |
name | Personal Property - Grave Markers |
name | Personal Property - Jewelry |
name | Personal Property - Jewelry and Furs (Bundled) |
name | Personal Property - Marijuana |
name | Personal Property - Money |
name | Personal Property - Money, Coins, Cards |
name | Personal Property - Motor Vehicle Parts |
name | Personal Property - Musical Instruments |
name | Personal Property - Outdoor Antennas |
name | Personal Property - Rare coins and currency |
name | Personal Property - Records |
name | Personal Property - Refrigerated Products |
name | Personal Property - Replacement Cost |
name | Personal Property - Rugs, Tapestries, Wall Hangings |
name | Personal Property - Securities |
name | Personal Property - Silverware, Goldware, Pewterware |
name | Personal Property - Special |
name | Personal Property - Sports Equipment |
name | Personal Property - Tools |
name | Personal Property - Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Landscaping |
name | Personal Property - Water Backup |
name | Personal Property - Watercraft |
name | Personal Property - Worker Compensation |
name | Personal Property Home Systems Protection |
name | Personal Property Off Premises |
name | Personal Property On Premises |
name | Service Line |
name | Pollutant Cleanup and Removal |
name | Protection Boost |
name | Reasonable Repairs |
name | Roof Surfaces |
name | Sewer Backup |
name | Trailers or semitrailers not used with watercraft |
name | Tree Removal |
name | Tuition insurance |
name | Unscheduled Personal Property (UPP) |
name | Water Liability |
name | Wildfire |
name | Windstorm/Hail |
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
Discounts applied to ANY policy type
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | string | false | none | none |
discountCents | integer | false | none | none |
rawName | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
name | AutoPay |
name | Customer Loyalty |
name | Future Effective Date |
name | Membership Length |
name | Military Service |
name | Multi-Product |
name | Online Quote |
name | Paid in Full |
name | Paperless |
name | Payment History |
name | Other |
"name": "Good Driver",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Good Driver Discount"
Discounts applied to a PERSONAL_AUTO policy
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | string | false | none | none |
discountCents | integer | false | none | none |
rawName | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
name | Anti-Theft |
name | Auto Safety Equipment |
name | Driving Behavior Tracking Device |
name | Electric Vehicle |
name | Good Driver |
name | Homeowner |
name | Low Mileage |
name | Multi-Vehicle |
name | New Car |
name | Professional |
name | Safety Course |
name | Violation Free |
"name": "Fire Alarms",
"discountCents": 10000,
"rawName": "Fire Detection"
Discounts applied to a HOMEOWNERS or RENTERS policy
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | string | false | none | none |
discountCents | integer | false | none | none |
rawName | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
name | Advance Quote |
name | Affinity Group |
name | Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule |
name | Burglar Alarms |
name | Fire Alarms |
name | Fire Extinguisher |
name | Good Payer |
name | Loss Free |
name | New Home |
name | New Roof |
name | No Claims |
name | Non Smoker |
name | Recent Home Buyer |
name | Theft Protection |
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
url | string(url) | false | none | Signed, expiring public URL to a policy document |
urlExpiration | string(date) | false | none | URL expiration date |
type | string | false | none | Document type, see below for the list of possible values |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
type | DEC_PAGE |
"errorType": "ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND",
"errorMessage": "The issuer or Trellis was experiencing technical difficulties."
Contains additional information about an HTTP error, if any.
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
errorType | string | true | none | Broad categorization of the HTTP error, if any. Safe for programmatic use. |
errorCode | string | false | none | Further classification of the HTTP error, if any. Safe for programatic use. |
errorMessage | string | false | none | A developer-friendly representation of the error code, if any. This may change over time and is not safe for programmatic use. |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
errorMessage | The issuer or Trellis was experiencing technical difficulties. |
errorMessage | User did not complete the issuer's login process. |
errorMessage | Unsupported insurance issuer. |
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"occupation": "Engineer"
The household members within the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | Name | false | none | none |
gender | string | false | none | none |
relationship | string | false | none | This field represents the relationship of the household member to the policy holder. Its value is "Named Insured" if the household member is the policy holder. |
birthday | string | false | none | Exact date of birth of household member, if known. Only populated if an exact date of birth is found. If only a birth year or age is available, this field will be blank. |
birthdayRange | object | false | none | Issuers sometimes provide only a birthyear or age at the time of policy issuance. This implies a range of potential birthdays, which is returned here. If given the age at time of the policy, this will be the 364 day window of possible birthdays. If it is the birth year, then it is January 1st and December 31st of that year. |
» start | string | false | none | Start date of implied birthday range, inclusive. |
» end | string | false | none | Ending date of implied birthday range, inclusive. |
occupation | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
gender | female |
gender | male |
gender | nonbinary |
relationship | Named Insured |
relationship | Spouse |
relationship | Child |
relationship | Other |
"id": "291e57c2-48ab-4b72-ad4e-b5284d78c32e_0",
"driverNameRaw": "Jane Doe",
"driver": 0,
"descriptionRaw": null,
"date": "2019-01-01",
"state": "CA",
"atFault": "yes",
"paidAmountCents": 229670,
"liabilityMedicalPaidAmountCents": 10201,
"type": "CLAIM",
"typeDetails": "Hit an animal"
Auto incidents involving the policyholder. Only applicable to PERSONAL_AUTO policies
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string¦null | false | none | Unique ID |
driverNameRaw | string¦null | false | none | Full name of the driver |
driver | number¦null | false | none | 0-based index matching policy.operators |
descriptionRaw | string¦null | false | none | Raw description text |
date | string(date)¦null | false | none | Date of the incident |
state | string¦null | false | none | 2-letter state the incident occurred in. |
atFault | string¦null | false | none | Whether the driver was at fault for the incident |
paidAmountCents | number | false | none | Amount paid for the claim. |
liabilityMedicalPaidAmountCents | number¦null | false | none | Amount of liability medical paid for the claim. |
type | string¦null | false | none | Type of incident |
typeDetails | string¦null | false | none | See Enumerated Values below |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
atFault | yes |
atFault | no |
atFault | unknown |
type | TICKET |
type | DUI |
type | ACCIDENT |
type | CLAIM |
typeDetails | Careless driving |
typeDetails | Carpool lane violation |
typeDetails | Child not in car seat |
typeDetails | Defective equipment |
typeDetails | Defective vehicle (reduced violation) |
typeDetails | Driving too fast for conditions |
typeDetails | Driving without a license |
typeDetails | Drug possession |
typeDetails | DUI/DWAI |
typeDetails | Excessive noise |
typeDetails | Exhibition driving |
typeDetails | Expired drivers license |
typeDetails | Expired emissions |
typeDetails | Expired registration |
typeDetails | Failure to obey traffic signal |
typeDetails | Failure to signal |
typeDetails | Failure to stop |
typeDetails | Failure to yield |
typeDetails | Following too close |
typeDetails | Illegal lane change |
typeDetails | Illegal passing |
typeDetails | Illegal turn on red |
typeDetails | Illegal turn |
typeDetails | Illegal u turn |
typeDetails | Inattentive driving |
typeDetails | Less than 10 mph over |
typeDetails | Minor in possession |
typeDetails | More than 10 mph over |
typeDetails | More than 20 mph over |
typeDetails | No insurance |
typeDetails | No seatbelt |
typeDetails | Open container |
typeDetails | Other unlisted moving violation |
typeDetails | Passing a school bus |
typeDetails | Passing in a no-passing zone |
typeDetails | Passing on shoulder |
typeDetails | Ran a red light |
typeDetails | Ran a stop sign |
typeDetails | Reckless driving |
typeDetails | Reckless endangerment |
typeDetails | Wrong way on a one way |
typeDetails | DRUGS |
typeDetails | ALCOHOL |
typeDetails | UNKNOWN |
typeDetails | Collided with another vehicle |
typeDetails | Hit while stopped |
typeDetails | Hit by another person |
typeDetails | Rearended by another person |
typeDetails | Hit an obstruction |
typeDetails | Act of nature |
typeDetails | Car fire |
typeDetails | Flood damage |
typeDetails | Hail damage |
typeDetails | Hit an animal |
typeDetails | Theft of stereo |
typeDetails | Theft of vehicle |
typeDetails | Towing service |
typeDetails | Vandalism |
typeDetails | Windshield replacement |
"type": "First Mortgage",
"loanNumber": "000-393323-33",
"lienHolder": "Quicken Loans",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "string"
The mortgages on the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
type | string | false | none | The type of mortgage |
loanNumber | string | false | none | The loan number of the mortgage |
lienHolder | string | false | none | The name of the financial entity |
lienHolderAddress | Address | false | none | The address of the lien holder |
lienHolderAddressRaw | string | false | none | The raw address of the lien holder |
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
firstName | string | false | none | none |
middleName | string | false | none | none |
lastName | string | false | none | none |
"type": "SR-21",
"state": "CA",
"caseNumber": 331476039
Details of financial responsibility case
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
type | string | false | none | The type of financial responsibility |
state | string | false | none | none |
caseNumber | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
type | SR-21 |
type | SR-22 |
type | SR-22A |
type | FR-44 |
type | SR-50 |
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"maritalStatus": "married",
"occupation": "Electrical Engineer (Degreed)",
"education": "associates",
"rawEducation": "Bachelor's Degree",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"rawRelationship": "Married",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"ageLicensed": 16,
"ageLicensedInternationally": 16,
"isPrimary": true,
"driversLicenseState": "MA",
"driversLicenseStatus": "ValidUSLicense",
"driversLicenseNumber": "S22229999",
"hasFullDriversLicenseNumber": true,
"email": "",
"experienceInYears": 8,
"addressRaw": "123 Main St, San Francisco CA 94129",
"address": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"financialResponsibilityCases": [
"type": "SR-21",
"state": "CA",
"caseNumber": 331476039
Details for the operators within a PERSONAL_AUTO policy
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
name | Name | false | none | none |
gender | string | false | none | none |
maritalStatus | string | false | none | none |
occupation | string | false | none | none |
education | string | false | none | none |
rawEducation | string | false | none | none |
relationship | string | false | none | This field represents the relationship of the operator to the policyholder. Its value is "Named Insured" if the operator is the policyholder. |
rawRelationship | string | false | none | none |
birthday | string | false | none | Exact date of birth of operator, if known. Only populated if an exact date of birth is found. If only a birth year or age is available, this field will be blank. |
birthdayRange | object | false | none | Issuers sometimes provide only a birthyear or age at the time of policy issuance. This implies a range of potential birthdays, which is returned here. If given the age at time of the policy, this will be the 364 day window of possible birthdays. If it is the birth year, then it is January 1st and December 31st of that year. |
» start | string | false | none | Start date of implied birthday range, inclusive. |
» end | string | false | none | Ending date of implied birthday range, inclusive. |
ageLicensed | number | false | none | none |
ageLicensedInternationally | number | false | none | none |
isPrimary | boolean | false | none | This field represents if the operator is the primary Named Insured (i.e policyholder). Exactly one operator on each policy will have isPrimary = true. |
driversLicenseState | string | false | none | none |
driversLicenseStatus | string | false | none | none |
driversLicenseNumber | string | false | none | none |
hasFullDriversLicenseNumber | boolean | false | none | Whether or not the drivers license is full vs. partial. Will be true if the license is filled in and complete. Will be false if drivers license is missing or is only the partial number. |
string | false | none | none | |
experienceInYears | number | false | none | none |
addressRaw | string | false | none | The raw address pulled from the institution. Note that the "address" field is a result from best-effort parsing the addressRaw. |
address | Address | false | none | none |
financialResponsibilityCases | [FinancialResponsibilityCase] | false | none | [Details of financial responsibility case] |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
gender | female |
gender | male |
gender | nonbinary |
maritalStatus | married |
maritalStatus | single |
maritalStatus | other |
education | associates |
education | bachelors |
education | doctorate |
education | no high school diploma |
education | high school |
education | masters |
education | medical school |
education | law school |
education | vocational certificate |
education | other |
relationship | Named Insured |
relationship | Spouse |
relationship | Child |
relationship | Other |
driversLicenseStatus | ValidUSLicense |
driversLicenseStatus | Permit |
driversLicenseStatus | Suspended |
driversLicenseStatus | Restricted |
driversLicenseStatus | PermanentlyRevoked |
driversLicenseStatus | Expired |
driversLicenseStatus | Surrendered |
driversLicenseStatus | NonLicensed |
"purchaseDate": "1990-10-12",
"squareFeet": 2300,
"usage": "Primary Home",
"numberOfStories": 2,
"dwellingType": "Single Family Home",
"yearBuilt": 1980,
"constructionType": "Frame",
"foundationType": "Slab",
"composition": [
"type": "Roof",
"shape": "Flat",
"descriptionRaw": "string",
"materials": [
"percentage": 75
"numberOfKitchens": 1,
"numberOfBathrooms": 3,
"numberOfFireplaces": 1,
"garages": [
"type": "Attached",
"capacity": 2
"distanceToFireHydrantInFeet": 100,
"distanceToFireDepartmentInMiles": 2,
"features": {
"hasBurglarAlarm": true,
"hasFireAlarm": true,
"hasSupplementalHeating": false
"addressRaw": "string",
"ageOfRoofInYears": 4,
"address": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
Details for the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
purchaseDate | string | false | none | Date when the property was purchased |
squareFeet | number¦null | false | none | Property area expressed in square feet |
usage | string | false | none | The main usage of the house |
numberOfStories | number¦null | false | none | The amount of levels of the property |
dwellingType | string | false | none | The type of building for the property |
yearBuilt | number¦null | false | none | The year the property was built |
constructionType | string | false | none | The main construction type used to build the property |
foundationType | string | false | none | The foundation type used for the property |
composition | [object] | false | none | Materials used to build the property |
» type | string | false | none | A specific part of the property |
» shape | string | false | none | The shape of the part, usually only populated for 'Roof' |
» descriptionRaw | string | false | none | The raw description text of the part |
» materials | [string] | false | none | Materials used to build the part |
» percentage | number | false | none | Percent of the property composed by this part |
numberOfKitchens | number¦null | false | none | The amount of Kitchens of the property |
numberOfBathrooms | number¦null | false | none | The amount of Bathrooms of the property |
numberOfFireplaces | number¦null | false | none | The amount of Fireplaces of the property |
garages | [object] | false | none | Garage details |
» type | string | false | none | The type of garage |
» capacity | number¦null | false | none | The maximum number of vehicles the garage allows |
distanceToFireHydrantInFeet | number | false | none | Distance to the closest fire hydrant in feet |
distanceToFireDepartmentInMiles | number | false | none | Distance to the closest fire department in miles |
features | object | false | none | none |
» hasBurglarAlarm | boolean | false | none | Denotes if the property has burglar alarms |
» hasFireAlarm | boolean | false | none | Denotes if the property has fire alarms |
» hasSupplementalHeating | boolean | false | none | Denotes if the property has a supplemental heating unit of any kind |
addressRaw | string | false | none | The raw property address |
ageOfRoofInYears | number | false | none | The age of the roof expressed in years |
address | Address | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
usage | Primary Home |
usage | Secondary Home |
usage | Renting |
usage | Other |
dwellingType | Single Family Home |
dwellingType | Duplex |
dwellingType | Triplex |
dwellingType | Quadruplex |
dwellingType | Condominium |
dwellingType | Apartment |
dwellingType | Multi Family 5+ |
dwellingType | Townhouse / Rowhouse |
dwellingType | Mobile |
dwellingType | Unknown |
constructionType | Frame |
constructionType | Joisted Masonry |
constructionType | Non-Combustible |
constructionType | Masonry NonCombustible |
constructionType | Modified Fire Resistive |
constructionType | Fire Resistive |
constructionType | Aluminum |
constructionType | Plastic/Vinyl |
constructionType | Unknown |
foundationType | Slab |
foundationType | Basement |
foundationType | Crawl Space |
foundationType | Open |
foundationType | Partial Basement |
foundationType | Piers |
foundationType | Posts |
foundationType | Unknown |
type | Roof |
type | Interior Wall |
type | Exterior Wall |
type | Floor |
type | Kitchen |
type | Staircase |
type | Fireplace |
shape | Gable |
shape | Shed |
shape | Hip |
shape | Flat |
shape | Gambrel |
shape | Mansard |
materials | Concrete |
materials | Brick |
materials | Aluminium |
materials | Vinyl |
materials | Stucco |
materials | Fiberglass |
materials | Rubber |
materials | Wood |
materials | Hardwood |
materials | Softwood |
materials | Metal |
materials | Clay |
materials | Copper |
materials | Elastomer |
materials | Drywall |
materials | Composition Shingles |
materials | Carpet |
materials | Ceramic |
type | Attached |
type | Detached |
type | Other |
"id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",
"issuer": "geico",
"policyNumber": "5232-11-255-22",
"policyType": "PERSONAL_AUTO",
"policyHolder": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"address": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"phoneNumber": "(123) 456-2233",
"email": "",
"isHomeOwner": true,
"isMilitary": true,
"residenceStatus": "OwnSingleFamily",
"tenureInYears": 2
"policyTermMonths": 6,
"paymentScheduleMonths": 1,
"numberOfPayments": 1,
"issueDate": "2019-01-01",
"renewalDate": "2019-07-01",
"effectiveDate": "2019-01-01",
"expirationDate": "2019-07-01",
"active": true,
"hasAtFaultAccident": "yes",
"hasAtFaultClaim": "yes",
"canceledDate": "2019-04-01",
"dateRetrieved": "2019-02-01",
"premiumCents": 94200,
"operators": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"maritalStatus": "married",
"occupation": "Electrical Engineer (Degreed)",
"education": "associates",
"rawEducation": "Bachelor's Degree",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"rawRelationship": "Married",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"ageLicensed": 16,
"ageLicensedInternationally": 16,
"isPrimary": true,
"driversLicenseState": "MA",
"driversLicenseStatus": "ValidUSLicense",
"driversLicenseNumber": "S22229999",
"hasFullDriversLicenseNumber": true,
"email": "",
"experienceInYears": 8,
"addressRaw": "123 Main St, San Francisco CA 94129",
"address": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"financialResponsibilityCases": [
"type": "SR-21",
"state": "CA",
"caseNumber": 331476039
"vehicles": [
"year": "2015",
"inStorage": true,
"isRideSharing": true,
"vin": "WBA2F7C55FVX55555",
"make": "BMW",
"model": "228XI 2D 4X4",
"type": null,
"annualMileage": 5000,
"driver": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"use": "commute",
"garagingLocationRaw": "123 Main St, San Francisco CA 94129",
"garagingLocation": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"discountTotalCents": 5000,
"purchaseDate": "1999-04-12",
"antiTheftDevices": true,
"bodyStyle": "4 Door Sedan",
"ownershipStatus": "owned",
"lienHolder": "TD Auto Finance",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "123 Main Street, New York NY 10011",
"premiumCents": 12344,
"coverages": [
"name": "Bodily Injury Liability",
"premiumCents": 7400,
"isDeclined": false,
"perPersonLimitCents": 20000,
"perAccidentLimitCents": 40000,
"deductibleCents": 1000,
"glassDeductibleCents": 500,
"perDayLimitCents": 40000,
"perMonthLimitCents": 45000,
"perWeekLimitCents": 11500
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"property": {
"purchaseDate": "1990-10-12",
"squareFeet": 2300,
"usage": "Primary Home",
"numberOfStories": 2,
"dwellingType": "Single Family Home",
"yearBuilt": 1980,
"constructionType": "Frame",
"foundationType": "Slab",
"composition": [
"type": "Roof",
"shape": "Flat",
"descriptionRaw": "string",
"materials": [
"percentage": 75
"numberOfKitchens": 1,
"numberOfBathrooms": 3,
"numberOfFireplaces": 1,
"garages": [
"type": "Attached",
"capacity": 2
"distanceToFireHydrantInFeet": 100,
"distanceToFireDepartmentInMiles": 2,
"features": {
"hasBurglarAlarm": true,
"hasFireAlarm": true,
"hasSupplementalHeating": false
"addressRaw": "string",
"ageOfRoofInYears": 4,
"address": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"coverages": [
"name": "Personal Property",
"rawName": "Personal Property",
"perOccurrenceLimitCents": 10000000,
"perPersonLimitCents": 50000000,
"maxMonthsLimit": 6,
"premiumCents": 50000,
"isDeclined": false,
"deductibleCents": 50000,
"hurricaneDeductibleCents": 50000,
"windstormDeductibleCents": 50000,
"earthquakeDeductibleCents": 50000
"householdMembers": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"occupation": "Engineer"
"mortgages": [
"type": "First Mortgage",
"loanNumber": "000-393323-33",
"lienHolder": "Quicken Loans",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "string"
"documents": [
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
"incidents": [
"id": "291e57c2-48ab-4b72-ad4e-b5284d78c32e_0",
"driverNameRaw": "Jane Doe",
"driver": 0,
"descriptionRaw": null,
"date": "2019-01-01",
"state": "CA",
"atFault": "yes",
"paidAmountCents": 229670,
"liabilityMedicalPaidAmountCents": 10201,
"type": "CLAIM",
"typeDetails": "Hit an animal"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | none |
issuer | string | false | none | none |
policyNumber | string | false | none | none |
policyType | string | false | none | none |
policyHolder | object | false | none | Refers to the person who owns and is covered under a given insurance policy. |
» name | Name | false | none | none |
» address | Address | false | none | none |
» phoneNumber | string | false | none | none |
string | false | none | none | |
» isHomeOwner | boolean | false | none | Absence of this field implies we have no homeownership information |
» isMilitary | boolean | false | none | Absence of this field implies we have no military information |
» residenceStatus | string | false | none | none |
» tenureInYears | number | false | none | none |
policyTermMonths | integer | false | none | Length of the policy in months |
paymentScheduleMonths | integer | false | none | How often is the policyHolder making payments in months |
numberOfPayments | integer | false | none | How many payments the policyHolder will make over the length of the policy. |
issueDate | string(date) | false | none | (Deprecated) Use effectiveDate |
renewalDate | string(date) | false | none | (Deprecated) Use expirationDate |
effectiveDate | string(date)¦null | false | none | The date when the policy goes into effect |
expirationDate | string(date)¦null | false | none | The date when the policy coverage ends |
active | boolean¦null | false | none | Whether or not this is an active policy. |
hasAtFaultAccident | string | false | none | Whether or not this policy holder has an at fault accident. |
hasAtFaultClaim | string | false | none | Whether or not this policy holder has an at fault claim (excluding accidents). |
canceledDate | string(date) | false | none | none |
dateRetrieved | string(date) | false | none | none |
premiumCents | integer(int32)¦null | false | none | none |
operators | [Operator] | false | none | [Details for the operators within a PERSONAL_AUTO policy] |
vehicles | [Vehicle] | false | none | [Details for the vehicles within a PERSONAL_AUTO policy] |
discounts | [anyOf] | false | none | Discounts applied to a policy |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» anonymous | CommonDiscount | false | none | Discounts applied to ANY policy type |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» anonymous | PersonalAutoDiscount | false | none | Discounts applied to a PERSONAL_AUTO policy |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» anonymous | PropertyDiscount | false | none | Discounts applied to a HOMEOWNERS or RENTERS policy |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
property | Property | false | none | Details for the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types |
coverages | [PropertyCoverage] | false | none | [Coverages applied to a HOMEOWNERS or RENTERS policy] |
householdMembers | [HouseholdMember] | false | none | [The household members within the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types] |
mortgages | [Mortgage] | false | none | [The mortgages on the insured property. Only applicable for HOMEOWNERS and RENTERS policy types] |
documents | [Document] | false | none | Links to policy documents, if any |
incidents | [Incident] | false | none | [Auto incidents involving the policyholder. Only applicable to PERSONAL_AUTO policies] |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
policyType | PERSONAL_AUTO |
policyType | RENTERS |
policyType | HOMEOWNERS |
residenceStatus | OwnSingleFamily |
residenceStatus | OwnCondo |
residenceStatus | OwnMobileHome |
residenceStatus | LiveWithParents |
residenceStatus | Rent |
residenceStatus | Other |
hasAtFaultAccident | unknown |
hasAtFaultAccident | yes |
hasAtFaultAccident | no |
hasAtFaultClaim | unknown |
hasAtFaultClaim | yes |
hasAtFaultClaim | no |
"year": "2015",
"inStorage": true,
"isRideSharing": true,
"vin": "WBA2F7C55FVX55555",
"make": "BMW",
"model": "228XI 2D 4X4",
"type": null,
"annualMileage": 5000,
"driver": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"use": "commute",
"garagingLocationRaw": "123 Main St, San Francisco CA 94129",
"garagingLocation": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"discountTotalCents": 5000,
"purchaseDate": "1999-04-12",
"antiTheftDevices": true,
"bodyStyle": "4 Door Sedan",
"ownershipStatus": "owned",
"lienHolder": "TD Auto Finance",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": "123",
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "94111",
"plus4": "2233",
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "123 Main Street, New York NY 10011",
"premiumCents": 12344,
"coverages": [
"name": "Bodily Injury Liability",
"premiumCents": 7400,
"isDeclined": false,
"perPersonLimitCents": 20000,
"perAccidentLimitCents": 40000,
"deductibleCents": 1000,
"glassDeductibleCents": 500,
"perDayLimitCents": 40000,
"perMonthLimitCents": 45000,
"perWeekLimitCents": 11500
Details for the vehicles within a PERSONAL_AUTO policy
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
year | string | false | none | none |
inStorage | boolean | false | none | none |
isRideSharing | boolean | false | none | none |
vin | string | false | none | none |
make | string | false | none | none |
model | string | false | none | none |
type | string | false | none | none |
annualMileage | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
driver | Name | false | none | none |
use | string | false | none | none |
garagingLocationRaw | string | false | none | The raw garaging location pulled from the institution. Note that the "garagingLocation" field is a result from best-effort parsing the garagingLocationRaw. |
garagingLocation | Address | false | none | none |
discounts | [anyOf] | false | none | Discounts that applies to the Vehicle |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» anonymous | CommonDiscount | false | none | Discounts applied to ANY policy type |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
» anonymous | PersonalAutoDiscount | false | none | Discounts applied to a PERSONAL_AUTO policy |
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
discountTotalCents | integer | false | none | none |
purchaseDate | string(date) | false | none | none |
antiTheftDevices | boolean | false | none | none |
bodyStyle | string | false | none | none |
ownershipStatus | string | false | none | none |
lienHolder | string | false | none | none |
lienHolderAddress | Address | false | none | none |
lienHolderAddressRaw | string | false | none | none |
premiumCents | integer | false | none | none |
coverages | [PersonalAutoCoverage] | false | none | [Represents a single type of coverage on a policy. A missing/declined coverage may show up in this list as declined ("isDeclined = true") or it may be omitted entirely. When a coverage amount is listed as UNLIMITED, a value of 999999999999999 ($9,999,999,999,999.99) will be sent instead.Here is a mapping of coverage type to which amounts may appear on an instance of that coverage type: Accidental Death and Dismemberment: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'perPersonLimitCents'] Additional Personal Injury Protection: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Bodily Injury Liability: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Car Rental & Travel Expenses: ['perDayLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Collision Deductible Waiver: [] Collision: ['deductibleCents'] Comprehensive Glass: ['deductibleCents'] Comprehensive: ['deductibleCents', 'glassDeductibleCents'] Custom Parts and Equipment: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Disability: [] Emergency Road Service: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Extended Medical Benefits: [] Extended Medical Expense: ['perPersonLimitCents'] Full Vehicle Replacement: [] Funeral Benefits: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'perPersonLimitCents'] Guest Personal Injury Protection: [] Law Enforcement Fee: [] Limited Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Loan/Lease Payoff: [] Mechanical Breakdown: ['deductibleCents'] Medical Payments: ['perPersonLimitCents'] Necessary Expenses: ['perDayLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Optional Basic Economic Loss: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Optional Bodily Injury to Others: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Permissive User: [] Personal Belongings: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents'] Personal Injury Protection: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'deductibleCents'] Property Damage Liability: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Property Protection Insurance: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Rideshare Gap: [] Road Trip Accident Accomodations: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Supplemental Spousal Liability: [] Supplementary Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Underinsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents'] Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents'] Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: ['perPersonLimitCents', 'perAccidentLimitCents'] Uninsured Motorist Property Damage: ['perAccidentLimitCents', 'deductibleCents'] Vanishing Deductible: ['deductibleCents'] Vehicle Liability: ['perAccidentLimitCents'] Work Loss Benefit: ['perMonthLimitCents', 'perWeekLimitCents'] ] |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
type | null |
type | automobile |
type | trailer |
type | motorcycle |
type | boat |
type | rv |
type | other |
use | commute |
use | business |
use | pleasure |
use | farm |
use | other |
ownershipStatus | owned |
ownershipStatus | financed |
ownershipStatus | leased |
"status": "READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
"policies": [
"id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0851",
"issuer": "geico",
"policyNumber": "5232-11-255-22",
"policyType": "PERSONAL_AUTO",
"policyHolder": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John,",
"middleName": "K,",
"lastName": "Smith"
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"phoneNumber": "(123) 456-2233",
"email": "",
"isHomeOwner": true,
"isMilitary": true,
"residenceStatus": "OwnSingleFamily",
"tenureInYears": 2
"policyTermMonths": 6,
"paymentScheduleMonths": 1,
"numberOfPayments": 6,
"issueDate": "2019-01-01",
"renewalDate": "2019-07-01",
"effectiveDate": "2019-01-01",
"expirationDate": "2019-07-01",
"active": true,
"hasAtFaultAccident": "yes",
"hasAtFaultClaim": "yes",
"canceledDate": "2019-04-01",
"dateRetrieved": "2019-02-01",
"premiumCents": 94200,
"operators": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"maritalStatus": "married",
"occupation": "Electrical Engineer (Degreed)",
"education": "associates",
"rawEducation": "Bachelor's Degree",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"rawRelationship": "Married",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"ageLicensed": 16,
"ageLicensedInternationally": 16,
"isPrimary": true,
"driversLicenseState": "MA",
"driversLicenseStatus": "ValidUSLicense",
"driversLicenseNumber": "S22229999",
"hasFullDriversLicenseNumber": true,
"email": "",
"experienceInYears": 8,
"addressRaw": "123 Main St San Francisco CA 94129",
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"financialResponsibilityCases": [
"type": "SR-21",
"state": "CA",
"caseNumber": 331476039
"vehicles": [
"year": 2015,
"inStorage": true,
"isRideSharing": true,
"vin": "WBA2F7C55FVX55555",
"make": "BMW",
"model": "228XI 2D 4X4",
"type": null,
"annualMileage": 5000,
"driver": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"use": "commute",
"garagingLocationRaw": "123 Main St San Francisco CA 94129",
"garagingLocation": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"discountTotalCents": 5000,
"purchaseDate": "1999-04-12",
"antiTheftDevices": true,
"bodyStyle": "4 Door Sedan",
"ownershipStatus": "owned",
"lienHolder": "TD Auto Finance",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "123 Main Street New York NY 10011",
"premiumCents": 12344,
"coverages": [
"name": "Bodily Injury Liability",
"premiumCents": 7400,
"isDeclined": false,
"perPersonLimitCents": 20000,
"perAccidentLimitCents": 40000,
"deductibleCents": 1000,
"glassDeductibleCents": 500,
"perDayLimitCents": 40000,
"perMonthLimitCents": 45000,
"perWeekLimitCents": 11500
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"documents": [
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
"incidents": [
"id": "291e57c2-48ab-4b72-ad4e-b5284d78c32e_0",
"driverNameRaw": "Jane Doe",
"driver": 0,
"descriptionRaw": null,
"date": "2019-01-01",
"state": "CA",
"atFault": "yes",
"paidAmountCents": 229670,
"liabilityMedicalPaidAmountCents": 10201,
"type": "CLAIM",
"typeDetails": "Hit an animal"
"id": "d290f1ee-6c54-4b01-90e6-d701748f0852",
"issuer": "allstate",
"policyNumber": "5232-11-255-22",
"policyType": "HOMEOWNERS",
"policyHolder": {
"name": {
"firstName": "John,",
"middleName": "K,",
"lastName": "Smith"
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"phoneNumber": "(123) 456-2233",
"email": "",
"isHomeOwner": true,
"isMilitary": true,
"residenceStatus": "OwnSingleFamily",
"tenureInYears": 2
"policyTermMonths": 12,
"paymentScheduleMonths": 1,
"numberOfPayments": 12,
"issueDate": "2019-01-01",
"renewalDate": "2019-07-01",
"effectiveDate": "2019-01-01",
"expirationDate": "2019-07-01",
"active": true,
"canceledDate": "2019-04-01",
"dateRetrieved": "2019-02-01",
"premiumCents": 94200,
"discounts": [
"name": "Multi-Product",
"discountCents": 5000,
"rawName": "Bundle"
"property": {
"purchaseDate": "1990-10-12",
"squareFeet": 2300,
"usage": "Primary Home",
"numberOfStories": 2,
"dwellingType": "Single Family Home",
"yearBuilt": 1980,
"constructionType": "Frame",
"foundationType": "Slab",
"composition": [
"type": "Roof",
"shape": "Flat",
"descriptionRaw": "string",
"materials": [
"percentage": 75
"numberOfKitchens": 1,
"numberOfBathrooms": 3,
"numberOfFireplaces": 1,
"garages": [
"type": "Attached",
"capacity": 2
"distanceToFireHydrantInFeet": 100,
"distanceToFireDepartmentInMiles": 2,
"features": {
"hasBurglarAlarm": true,
"hasFireAlarm": true,
"hasSupplementalHeating": false
"addressRaw": "string",
"ageOfRoofInYears": 4,
"address": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"coverages": [
"name": "Personal Property",
"rawName": "Personal Property",
"perOccurrenceLimitCents": 10000000,
"perPersonLimitCents": 50000000,
"maxMonthsLimit": 6,
"premiumCents": 50000,
"isDeclined": false,
"deductibleCents": 50000,
"hurricaneDeductibleCents": 50000,
"windstormDeductibleCents": 50000,
"earthquakeDeductibleCents": 50000
"householdMembers": [
"name": {
"firstName": "John",
"middleName": "K",
"lastName": "Smith"
"gender": "female",
"relationship": "Named Insured",
"birthday": "1985-08-29",
"birthdayRange": {
"start": "1988-01-01",
"end": "1988-12-31"
"occupation": "Engineer"
"mortgages": [
"type": "First Mortgage",
"loanNumber": "000-393323-33",
"lienHolder": "Quicken Loans",
"lienHolderAddress": {
"number": 123,
"street": "Main",
"type": "St",
"sec_unit_type": "Apt",
"sec_unit_num": "1A",
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zip": 94111,
"plus4": 2233,
"suffix": "Ave",
"prefix": "W"
"lienHolderAddressRaw": "string"
"documents": [
"url": "",
"urlExpiration": "2020-09-24",
"type": "DEC_PAGE"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | string | true | none | Whether or not policies are ready to be consumed. |
issuerId | string | false | none | Id of the issuer we got the policies from. |
issuerName | string | false | none | Name of the issuer we got the policies from. |
policies | [Policy] | false | none | none |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
status | READY |
status | NOT_READY |
"status": "NOT_READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | string | true | none | Not policies are ready to be consumed. |
issuerId | string | false | none | Id of the issuer we got the policies from. |
issuerName | string | false | none | Name of the issuer we got the policies from. |
message | string | false | none | [Deprecated] Broad categorization of the returned HTTP error, if any. |
"status": "READY",
"issuerId": "geico",
"issuerName": "GEICO",
"message": "ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND",
"error": {
"errorType": "ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND",
"errorMessage": "The issuer or Trellis was experiencing technical difficulties."
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | string | true | none | Whether or not policies are ready to be consumed. |
issuerId | string | false | none | Id of the issuer we got the policies from. |
issuerName | string | false | none | Name of the issuer we got the policies from. |
message | string | false | none | [Deprecated] Broad categorization of the returned HTTP error, if any. |
error | ErrorDetails | false | none | More information about the returned HTTP error, if any. We use standard HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure. The error property, in present, contains additional details about a failure. |
Enumerated Values
Property | Value |
status | READY |
status | NOT_READY |